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About Us

From Our Head Teacher

Welcome to St Augustine’s Catholic Primary.

I am very proud to be able to share in the wonderful journey of St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School. Our strong family ethos drives our mission.

Hand in hand we listen to God’s call, we learn from God’s Word and we share God’s love through service.

St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School is a vibrant, flourishing, nurturing community where children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve endless possibilities. With Christ at the centre, children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy, independent and confident. We encourage our children aim for the stars whilst making joyful, happy memories along the way.

We pride ourselves on ensuring children foster a passion for learning and a curiosity for the world around them. Through our broad and engaging curriculum children are provided with the knowledge and skills they need for lifelong learning. We offer a well-rounded curriculum, where individual talents are spotted and nurtured to ensure all children experience success and achieve their full potential as members of the community.

Our school has a talented and dedicated team that works hard to reach high standards in everything we do. Successful relationships with our families, our Parish and the local community are extremely important to us. We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home, school and parish and regard you as an active partner in your child's education. At St. Augustine’s we strongly value your interest and support.

We look forward to travelling with you on our exciting journey towards an exceptional future.

Mrs Vivien McDonald